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Tammy. Blood type A just curious what do you think of the new narrator on Forensic Files???
My name is Karen Woods. I have written a book called The Thirty Five Year Old Secret. It is my life story. I lived with Willie Roy Jenkins, a convicted killer of the oldest cold case in Texas. The rape and murder of Sheryl Ann Norris in San Marcos TX. He is currently is on death row in TX for the crime. He was also connected to three other murders, two in San Antonio and one on Camp Lejune, NC. I would like to see these accounts talked about. The victims deserve to be recognized. Thank you!
I looked at murderpedia.org and I didn’t see his name, curious to say the least. But I did find him another way, quite interesting! Thanks for bringing it up.
Cheers Steve
I’d love to learn more and help.
Hello, my name is Mylissa and I was Willie Roy Jenkins last victim on the streets in Ridgecrest, California in July of 1991, nobody has ever asked me anything, not are you okay, how have you been, how has your life changed since he raped you….nothing. he fact that he admitted to what he did to me was simply amazing, but it did not take away what he did. My life turned to shit, I carried a baby for 9 months not knowing if it was his baby or my husbands, picked out a family for her though, could not go through with a abortion, turns out it was my husbands. Little to late though, husband left me when he found out that I had been raped by a black man, family turned their backs on me. He has continued to make my life hell, I have nobody because of him. You would think that the state of California would have offered some sort of victims comp but the District Attorney of Kern County won’t even return my phone calls. Not sure what I expected……
So sorry that happened to you ! I was once strangled and dumped behind a building in Cleveland Ohio and even though there was a witness with a license plate number and I called the DA and was willing to point the finger NOTHING was ever done ! At the time I was a homeless addict who has since recovered (5 yrs clean) but it bothers me that this man is still somewhere out there and could possibly do this to another person possibly even a child ? I pray that you are ok now
Where can I buy a copy of your book?
OMGosh! That really sux. Other than being scared that he’s still out there and there are no winners or losers, especially in your case, I see you as a winner,,,5 years sober. That’s awesome!
I’m SO sorry you were treated this way!!! It instantly angered and revolted me that you were ignored! Our system really needs to change! If anything, I’m sure there are lots of people that would volunteer help of all kinds! It wouldn’t even need to cost the government!
I hope your life is better now. Please reach out if you need
someone to talk! Much love and light to you. You deserve the very best in life!
Congratulations. Where could somebody purchase your book?
i was his last victim in kern county cali — i was 21 when he violated me, even though he admitted to the crime i feel like not enough was done.
Where can I buy a copy of your book?
so very interesting!
I am a huge FF fan. I take the bus to and from work and FF is always running. Like the author of this blog I find myself watching the same episodes over and over. Now I have another place to enjoy FF! Thanks!
Thanks, Mike — so glad you like the blog! FF is a great way to spend time in transit.
I have seen many episodes, and it’s good to see some killers get caught. I just saw two episodes of “You decide” where you decide before you hear a jury verdict, and I was convinced of guilt in both cases, from what was said, and thankfully, so did the juries. One was a guy who shot himself four times to make it look like he was a victim along with his wife, but IMO his big mistake was shooting himself in the hand and claiming he dragged his wife’s body out of the ocean later, without the aggravation opening up his wound and causing blood to fall on the wife. The other was a guy who drove through a rail and hopped out at low speed while his wife was trapped. He made a number of mistakes, notably the two gas containers filled with gas on a long drive up the mountain, and him only hurting his ankle, proving it was low speed, along with other forensics. Too bad the worst killers can be paroled early, which is from the stupid parole system where it’s judged by how well convicts get along with mobsters, killers, and other demon possessed human monsters. I’m glad forensics is taking precedence over things that never made sense (even as a kid in the sixties and seventies, I thought the idea that people could identify someone after seeing the person only once, was impossible to believe).
Hi RR,
Wasn’t sure where to post this so I put it here on the ‘subscribe’ page. If it doesn’t belong let me know and I can delete it. I just have an update on a couple of Forensic Files episodes.
1. Roy Brown, whose wrongful conviction was shown in FF episode “Freedom Fighter”, died in July of 2019. He was 58, no cause of death given in the article I read.
2. David Rogers, who murdered two girls and threw them in a canal in Bakersfield (FF episode “A Leg Up on Crime”), had his death sentence overturned and will serve Life without Parole.
Thanks again for the great blog!
Subscribe page is fine — thanks much for the updates! Such a sad life for Ron Brown but not all that surprising. So many inmates stumble when they get out.
I’ve been meaning to do an update to “A Leg Up.” HLN shows that episode so frequently that it must be in demand.
I love this show. It’s not only informative, but educational as well.
Same here — I love what it teaches about human nature.
Why don’t you have the episode “Last Will” listed about Shari Smith murdered be Larry Gene Bell? Just wondered. That case was dramatized in a movie with William Devane.
I’ll put it on my list.
P.S. Sorry — forgot to notify that the “Last Will’ recap is live, https://forensicfilesnow.com/index.php/2022/04/15/shari-smith-taken-at-17/
Ran across this page. Very Interesting.
Hi! Do you have any additional info on the case with victim named “Dana Stinson” (pseudonym)? The criminal’s name is Randy Lee Allen in Freeport, TX.
No, I haven’t done a post on that episode yet. But I remember very well.
So there is now Forensic Files 2 a new series with two years worth of episodes. Bill Camp is the narrator and obviously he is not Peter Thomas but he does do a good job.
I would be curious to see your take on it once you get a chance to dial in a few episodes.
The Cinderella story about the murder of Janet Siclari was named that because the prince found Cinderella because the glass slipper matched her foot…like the sneakers left at the murder scene matched the feet of Thomas Berry the murderer. The episode should have been called “Dying for a cigarette.”
Where do I subscribe ?
I’ll sign you up!
Have you done one on Richezza Williams (Lasting Impression)? Sad case all around.
“Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer”.
That is all. That’s the comment. 🙂
“Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer”.
That is all. That’s the comment.
Angie Lorenzo, best comment, Blue Ribbon.
FF devotee and Peter Thomas fan here.
Love your blog, Rebecca Reisner.
Thanks, Shannon (and Angie) — I think ‘GCMS’ needs to be the next hot internet shorthand!
Thank you for writing this post. I like the subject too.
Mordche Tillanen